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June 11, 2015


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Greetings from St. Petersburg user group :)

Hey. You forgot about the Santo Domingo R User group in the Dominican Republic. We are on meetup, and have over 60 members.

Regards from Polish group :)

Hi Joe, thanks for maintaining this really impressive list. Do you have a GitHub repo so that I can submit a pull request? I'd love to fix the country/city fields of the Budapest Users of R Network (should be Hungary/Budapest). Thanks, Gergely

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Hello Gergely,
Thank you for letting me know about the mistake on the R user group map. I apologize for that. We will correct it, however, it may have to wait till I get back
to CA after the useR! conference.
Unfortunately, we do not have things set up on a GtHub repository. Right now things are very awkward as we are caught in the middle of a migration between the
old systems we were using at Revolution and the new way of doing things at Microsoft.
Will you be at useR!
Best regards,

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