by Andrie de Vries
A few days ago I received an unexpected parcel in my letterbox. To my delight, it turned out to be a translation into Simplified Chinese of R for Dummies, co-authored by myself and Joris Meys. Let me clarify: Joris and I wrote the book, but were not involved in the translation at all. The Wiley publishing machine took care of all of that.
Just to prove that this is real, here is a picture of my copy, unfortunately slightly damaged during the delivery process:
I find the decision by Wiley to translate into Chinese very interesting, since it means there is a growing market for translations of R books. Translating and publishing a title is a lot of work, so they will only do this if the business case is convincing. In other words, there must be a large and growing market for this type of book in Chinese.
This made me wonder, which other titles are available in Chinese. My basic research to answer this question consisted of navigating to the Chinese site of Amazon, ie. From here I learn "What Other Items Do Customers Buy After Viewing This Item?". It seems they go on and purchase some other classics, all available in Chinese:
One more Andrie: Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R, by Roger S. Bivand, Edzer Pebesma and Virgilio Gómez-Rubio
Posted by: Emilopezcano | August 28, 2015 at 02:16
You can also check this sites: . Yihui and other guys translated several books. Rcpp book is also being translated by KK.
Posted by: T Mook | August 31, 2015 at 02:20