This just in from the R Core Team: R 3.2.2 has been released. With this update, data accessed over the Web -- including files downloaded using download.file via URLS, and packages installed install.packages -- will be transmitted using the secure HTTPS protocol. (This has always been an option with prior versions of R, but now it is the default configuration.) Also, when R presents a list of CRAN mirrors to choose from, HTTPS-enabled mirrors will be given precedence. This release also fixes a few bugs and improves accuracy in the extreme tails of the t and hypergeometric distributions.
Source distributions of R 3.2.2 are available for download now from CRAN, and binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux will propagate through the CRAN mirror network in the next couple of days. Here at Revolution R Enterprise we've begun work on Revolution R Open 3.2.2, which will be available in September.
r-announce mailing list: R 3.2.2 is released
Thanks for posting this David. I only ever update my R when I see these posts from you in r-bloggers :)
Posted by: Ari Lamstein | August 16, 2015 at 08:00