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September 10, 2015


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Is funding going to still be part of the program?

Is this valid in Europe too? Who is our contact in Brussels?
The Brussels Data Science Community (www.datasciencebe.com) is the fastest growing community in Europe. We hold monthly meetups at the Brussels Universitiy attended by more than 100 datascience experts. (http://www.meetup.com/Brussels-Data-Science-Community-Meetup/events/223397829/ )
We would like to get in touch with you because we are opening the European Data Innovation Hub in Brussels. This data science meeting space hosts co-working space, a data science incubator for startups and a data science training centre (www.dihub.eu). For our data innovation lab, we would like to offer the azure alternative to our community members.
Could you please get me in touch with your local contact.
Thank you,

Philippe Van Impe
[email protected]

Is this valid in China too ?

Hey, I filled out an application form a couple weeks ago. I'm looking for a speaker for the Big Data and Hadoop Users Group in West Michigan for Wednesday, Oct 14 at 6 PM in Grand Rapids, MI. We've had a couple good talks on R already so our members are interested to hear from you. Please contact me to discuss! Thanks.

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