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October 12, 2015


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Really promising, thanks! could you tell me more about static presentation and conversion Markdown document from R into .ppt file? I tried to find anything which describe how to do it.


.pptx file is not accessible for download.
Could you please fix it?

Warm regards,

Do you know ReporteRs ? It's a nice solution for create PowerPoint slides from R !

Thank you for the post!

How to convert Slidify into Powerpoint slides?

Can we do the same with libre office suite?

I don't think you can make actual PowerPoint .ppt/.pptx slides with slidify - only html or pdf slides. But someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

ReporteRs is great! Thanks!

And ReporteRs doesn't rely on DCOM which is totally bound to Windows. Only one drawback - ReporteRs is based on Java, so it cannot be used in server-enabled applications, e.g. on OpenCPU. If it's not a case for you, give it a try.

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