Two recent surveys — one based on LinkedIn skills data, and another a direct survey of data miners — show that R remains the most popular software for statistical data analysis.
In a study of skills associated with LinkedIn profiles by RJmetrics (and also reported on Forbes), "data analysis" was unsurprisingly the skill most associated with self-proclaimed data scientists. Of specific software skills listed, R was the most common, closely followed by Python.
Meanwhile, Karl Rexer is preparing the results from his latest survey of data analytics professionals. When the survey was last published in 2013, R was the most popular tool and it was growing rapidly in popularity. Karl has shared some preliminary data from the upcoming surveyreport (now titled the "2015 Data Science Survey"), where R's popularity continues to surge. 76% of respondents use R for data analysis, and 36% use R as their primary tool (compared to 7% for the runner-up, SAS). R has continued to grow in both measures in every year since the Rexer survey was launched:
We'll have more coverage on the 2015 Rexer Data Science Survey when the complete results are published later this year.