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December 29, 2015


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This is fantastic; I'm really surprised at how easy it was to reproduce in RStudio on my system. Thank you for sharing this!

One minor tip: if you add "guide = guide_legend(title = "State")" to both scale_color_manual() and scale_size_manual(), you'll get a single legend with size and color combined, instead of the two separate legends.

Why not use Shiny's built-in support for tabs? See an example here: http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/tabsets.html

Oh, never mind! You aren't using Shiny...

Nice, of course if you're using the bootstrap themes that come with RStudio
then you don't need to download jQuery UI - you get tabs (and other stuff) for free.
See the tabs here and view source to see what code to use:

I've created reports with tabbed sections in this way. Have also used alert boxes, list groups and panels.

That'll teach me not to Preview.

Clickable links:

This is a really interesting concept and route to using jquery.ui widgets.

I'd be very interested how to go about integrating more interactive widgets like sliders, comboboxes etc.

Any pointers on that would be much appreciated.

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