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December 30, 2015


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Thanks for the shoutout!

In addition the physiology, psychology definitely comes into play in the ultra distances. Additionally in a sport with Kenyan and Ethiopian runners at the top in most of the marathon events, we have not seen a lot of these elites at ultra races. Perhaps something that will change over time.

It may not seem obvious at first, but in the 100m dash, there is a long acceleration phase of about 55-60 meters before top speed is attained. While in 200m, the first 100 is slower than the 100m dash, but the second 100 is much faster because the sprinter has already attained top cruising speed. Examine the splits (speed of race segments) and it's becomes clear.

Fun! I think that the biggest outlier is the super-fast marathon. I'd say that is due to the large amounts of money to be won by winning one of the world's big marathons. So - stiffer competition, and perhaps more drug taking, but that is speculation.

From my limited knowledge of sports physiology, having three regimes: anaerobic, aerobic and fat-burning seems a reasonable hypothesis.

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