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January 07, 2016


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Two comments:
First Your definition of the canonical form is slightly different from Snell.
Second getRQ(.) produces an error - with P in line with Snell and also with your

Looks very interesting, but like the previous commenter I get an error message. I assume that in the code above, the line 'getRQ(p)' should be 'getRQ(DWmc)' - but also that only gives an error message.

The function getRQ(P) assumes that the matrix P is in canonical form as specified from by the markovchain package. (Note that this is indeed different from the definition of canonical form used by Snell in chapter 11)

The following code to put DWmc into canonical form was missing from the post.

# Put DWmc into Canonical Form
P <- canonicForm(DWmc)

I have corrected this and I do apologize for the error.
Joseph Rickert

Getting Started with Markov Chains using R packages

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