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March 09, 2016


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It would be helpful to note in the description above that the R Tools for Visual Studio is only applicable for those using 64-bit Windows. I have a corporate install of Windows 7 and they only use the 32-bit version.

I have encountered problems running an RMarkdown document. I cannot preview the RMardown as either HTML or Word document using RTVS. When I try to preview per instructions it gives me the error message: "This operation requires rmarkdown which is not installed or has been removed". I have rmarkdown 0.9.5 installed and everything is running well using RStudio. I am using Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit version. I installed Visual Studio Community and R Tools for Visual Studio last week but I am faced with this problem. Please help me resolve this problem. Thank you!

Looks very nice. Looks remarkably similar to Rstudio. Competition? Appears so. Competition is a good thing. Why would I choose one over the other? Microsoft's business model (and the things that they made me do to protect their revenue stream) has been problematic to me in the past. Things look different under Microsoft's new leadership. Nevertheless Microsoft remains a large corporation and corporations need to protect themselves. It is R, about 10 years ago, that opened my eyes to the virtues of free and open source software over proprietary and pay-for-license software. Discuss!

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