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April 06, 2016


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I'm curious to know why do some columns are in snake_case(like "driver_city"), whereas some in PascalCase(like "VehicleType").

Great article! I use sqlQuery all the time. It's pretty powerful!

My only problem was the violations by vehicle bar chart. It's pretty hard to tell what vehicles are represented because the colors are similar. If there are only 4-5 significant values (that can be seen), then I'd probably just stick to those and make the colors starkly different.

KS, the snake case might have been me, as I was moving the data to the database. I prefer the column names with snake case. BTW, thanks - I did not know that it was called snake case.

Jeff, thanks for the compliment, and your point on the colors is well taken. Next time, I will probably explicitly set colors to be distinctly different.

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