We've mentioned earth.nullschool.net's beautiful visualizations of global weather before, but without Cameron Beccario I would have missed this amazing view of the North Pole showing the jet streams in all their glory:
Yes, you can see both jet streams here: this is actually an azimuthal projection showing the entire globe (think peeling an orange from the navel and stretching the skin into a circle). The center of the image is the north pole, and the outer circle is the south pole. The winds are colour coded be speed so that both the Northern and Southern jet streams appear in pink. I'm taken by how much this visualization looks like polar views of Jupiter or Saturn, even without colour coding for windspeed. Here are views of Jupiter (image credit: NASA) overlooking its North and South poles:
That's all from us here at the blog for this week. Have a great weekend, and we'll see you back here on Monday!