Data visualization with R doesn't always have to be serious. Here are a couple of fun charts created recently by R users.
First, here's a minimalist rendition of the characters in The Simpsons, by an anonymous blogger:
And from Alex Whan, here's a near-perfect recreation of the classic cover of the Joy Division album Unknown Pleasures, based on simulated data:
Both plots use the R package ggplot2, and you can find the code to recreate them yourself by clicking on the images above.
I have a base R solution for the Joy Divison Album recreation, where the plotting part only has a few lines of code.
It assumes a different data structure: a dataframe with the signal over time for each column.
(This is how I tend to record or obtain data in environmental science).
I'm not sure getting into the base/ggplot war* is good idea, but here's my contribution anyways.
*: The Great War:
Posted by: Berry | April 02, 2016 at 04:53