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May 23, 2016


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I tried to install the package on my 3.2.2 R version but there is a message that:
" Package which is only available in source form, and may need compilation of
C/C++/Fortran: ‘feather’
These will not be installed"
I tried downloading the tar.gz package from CRAN but also there was a problem, and exit with status 1...

New R users may be confused by the statement that "R doesn't have a native data file format." The key word here is data, not native. The RData (RDA) and RDS formats are native file formats in R. But they are not data file formats because they store R object serializations, not generic data structures.

@Ian Good point, that's exactly what I was trying to convey. Thanks for clarifying.

@Walter, feather is tricky to install from source, and it's only available in binary form for R 3.3.0 and later (I held this post until it was available on CRAN for that reason). Unless you're experienced with C++11 toolchains, I recommend you use feather with R 3.3.0 and install from CRAN.

In fact, it's such a recent package that it may not even be compatible with R 3.2.2. (Anyone tried it?)

@David, with R 3.2.3 I was given a "compilation fail" error when I tried installing feather using both library() and devtools::install_github(). Installed R 3.3.0 and it successfully installed from CRAN.

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