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May 04, 2016


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Wow amazing i saw the article with execution models you had posted. It was such informative. Really its a wonderful article. Thank you for sharing and please keep update like this type of article because i want to learn more relevant to this topic.

Really great article, which may prove useful.

Don't know where to ask this, so I ask it here:

I may be wrong but I think the computational resources used by the R instance inside the SQL Server is the same as the one used by the server.

As sometimes R could be greedy in term of computation, do you plan to release an article on the best practice when it come to put in production an algorithm on SQL Server?

The goal being to avoid to slow the production server.

It is probably basic things, like the use of a dev server (seems evident, but.) or limit the memory that could be used by the R instance. But still, I think it may be a great article.

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