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July 22, 2016


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Hmm... I don't think the numbers quoted justify the headline for the post. "SAS losing ground to open source tools" would be nearer the mark, as 43% of modelers prefering SAS is hardly "failing". It's also not surprising that young data scientists are using open source languages a lot, given that so much big data storage is on open source platforms and they can install and use them for free.

"Open source tools dominate overall. SAS did well with professionals with over 16 years of experience while those with less than 5 years of experience preferred R. R was also the dominant choice of analytics professionals with Ph.D's and Master's Degrees. "

On the surface, this does not surprise me. Professionals with over 16 years experience would indicate to me those who are employed by corporations (worldwide?), and consultants who grew up with the less heavyweights of SPSS, Minitab and other less powerful software, but migrated to SAS when they entered the business environment as opposed to academic world.

Those with less than 5 years of experience and analytics professionals with Ph.D's and Master's Degrees preferred R also does not surprise me. Academics (Ph.D's and Master's Degrees) are always looking for the least expensive investment, in time of learning curve and monetary cost to facilitate their studies. Those with less than 5 years of experience have probably not been exposed to a corporate environment that requires a very robust and fully supported software package that is known for its reliability.

The paradigm may well be shifting away from SAS, but SAS is hardly failing..

SAS is hardly failing if it made the top list of this article recently

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