If you haven't caught up on Neflix's Stranger Things yet, you're missing out. It's awesome: a perfect homage to 80's-era sci-fi and fantasy movies, with a great cast and stellar performances (particularly from Winona Ryder and newcomer Millie Bobby Brown). This spoiler-laden supercut shows scenes from Stranger Things alongside corresponding scenes from Close Encounters, the Goonies, Alien, and many other films of the era and the inspirations are clear. If you liked those movies, you'll love Stranger Things.
One thing I love about the series is the opening titles, which is simply a close-up of the letters in the two-word title slowly moving to assemble the logo, Stranger Things. It's done in the font ITC Benguiat, which brings back memories of it being used on the cover of Choose Your Own Adenture books and Stephen King novels. The title sequence looks like it was filmed, not animated, and in a way it was: filmed backlit transparencies were used as the reference for the animation process. The short film above (via Vox) is a lovely insight into the process behind the creation of the title sequence.
That's all from us for this week. Have a good weekend (you have enough time to catch up on Stranger Things!), and we'll be back here on Monday. See you then.