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August 19, 2016


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Thanks David for the article, I’m also in favour of selective approach to use dual axis in data analysis. In my case I had a dataset of 2 similar unit metrics but their values had a different range; and I tried to show this in my blog post: http://datanrg.blogspot.ca/2016/05/analyzing-david-and-goliath-datasets-on.html

Nice post. I would like to have two x axis and one y. Do not you know about solution?

Nice post, thanks for this! A commenter on my original post picked up an embarrassing error (although not material to the question at point) with the y axis label on my "fixed" chart. It should be "USD purchased with one NZD", not the other way around... I've fixed in the original, would you mind picking up a fresh copy so I don't have to wince if this is reproduced in future? http://ellisp.github.io/img/0051-dualgood.svg

Wait. You show five excellent reasons not to use dual axis plots and then proceed using exactly those?
That seems ironic. Am I missing something?

My take away is: multipanel plots are usually the best solution.
"will often be my preferred approach to this type of data".

Also, adding a third series is easy...

@Berry, check Peter's original post (last link in the above) for his excellent explanations of why dual-axis plots are usually bad, and the situations where they are useful. I usually prefer panel plots as well, but as Peter explains there are some downsides to those as well.

@Peter, you're welcome, and I've updated the chart above. Cheers!

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