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August 26, 2016


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any plans for providing MRO in a docker hub?

Great Update! However I noticed that this version now requires administrative privilages (on windows) to install which was not necessary in previous versions.

I was wondering if this was something that could be reverted in future versions? I believe this can have a negative impact in adaptation from the academic and the corporate community since it makes the installation process much more complicated.

Hi, Mehran,

We're always open to suggestions, and if demand is high, then we will certainly consider providing a non-administrative install in future releases. However, the current installer actually can work very well in an academic/corporate environment--an IT administrator can install one copy, verify that the release meets the enterprise guidelines, install any system-wide additions (packages, etc.), then zip the install and distribute enterprise-wide.

Rich Calaway
Microsoft R Release Manager

Our IT admin was not able to install MRO 3.3.1 on my laptop (Windows 7) today for some unknown reason. It installs then rolls back. I would also vote for a version that does not require admin privilege. Thanks.

I would also vote for a version with no admin requirement.

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