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August 15, 2016


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A grammar nitpicker checking in. Student debt levels are anything *but* "inexorable." The levels of debt are deliberately controlled by [someone] via current laws banning debtors from re-mortaging to take advantage of current interest rates and from declaring bankruptcy. Then there's the mountain of debt related to semi-criminal online "universities."

" Student debt levels are anything *but* "inexorable." The levels of debt are deliberately controlled by [someone] via current laws banning debtors from re-mortaging to take advantage of current interest rates "

Do you mean that the student debt cannot be refinanced by getting an other loan with a lower interest rate?

I think we should start teaching a little finance and double entry bookkeeping in high school. That way one can understand these liabilities (loans) before one takes them out. One should also look into what happens after the degree.

But, finance and double entry bookkeeping should be taught for their value. Especially in "capitalist" countries. Some have said that double entry bookkeeping is part of a well educated persons background.

" The data come from the New York Federal Reserve, which Robert reads into R" ,,, who is Robert? Did I misread something?

@Madeline, oops my error there - I don't know what I was thinking of. Corrected above.

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