In Joseph Sirosh's keynote presentation at the Data Science Summit on Monday, Wee Hyong Tok demonstrated using R in SQL Server 2016 to detect fraud in real-time credit card transactions at a rate of 1 million transactions per second. The demo (which starts at the 17:00 minute mark) used a gradient-boosted tree model to predict the probability of a credit card transaction being fraudulent, based on attributes like the charge amount and the country of origin.
Then, a stored procedure in SQL Server 2016 was used to score transactions streaming into the database at a rate of 3.6 billion per hour. If you'd like to try this yourself, a step-by-step tutorial with code to implement the model and scoring is available here.
Later in the keynote (starting at 25:00), John Salch, VP of Technology and Platforms at PROS describes using R to determine prices for airline tickets, hotel rooms, and laptops. PROS has been using R for a while in development, but found running R within SQL Server 2016 to be 100 times (not 100%, 100x!) faster for price optimization. "This really woke us up that we can use R in a production setting ... it's truly amazing," he says.
It's great to see these global-scale applications of R, driving the intelligence of businesses behind the scenes. As Joseph said in the opening, "If there's one language you should learn today ... it's R."
Channel 9: Microsoft Machine Learning & Data Science Summit 2016
'R' has so much of potential to process billions of records to quickly determine the outcome of a n issue is truly amazing
Posted by: Ron wox | September 28, 2016 at 17:57
I can't seem to watch the video!
Posted by: Ankur Verma | September 28, 2016 at 23:54
Bof. This is not impressive. I am myself usually scoring at 1.15 million rows per seconds (thus significantly faster than 'Grossoft) on a "cheap" Laptop (Sager: around 2K€) using the R engine embedded inside Anatella.
Posted by: frank | September 29, 2016 at 03:24
@Ron, looks like the link changed when the embedding was enabled for the video. I've updated the link and embedded the video above. Thanks!
Posted by: David Smith | September 29, 2016 at 07:41
The linked tutorial is about loan classification and not fraud detection.
Posted by: Chris | October 11, 2016 at 01:35