If you're looking to get started with data science in R, a great place to start is OnePageR by Graham Williams. (Graham is the creator of Rattle, author of Data Mining with Rattle and R, and Director of Data Science at Microsoft.) This free (CC-licensed) resource is a series of hands-on mini-chapters and associated R code, organized into four main topic areas:
- Data Science: introductions to data science, data mining, literate programming, and the R language
- Dealing with Data: Reading data files and open access data, basic explorations and visualizations, and two case studies
- Building Models: with tutorials for many kinds of models, including association analysis, ensemble models, and multivariate adaptive regression splines
- Advanced R and Analytics: with topics including writing functions, parallel processing, and text mining.
Example data files are provided for use in all chapters. There are also two very useful appendix chapters; an R Style Guide, and a guide to creating an R package.
OnePageR is a continual work in progress, and is regularly updated to incorporate advances in R and the R package ecosystem. To download the materials, follow the link below.
Togaware: OnePageR
Thanks for this recommendation. I'm new to R and trying to learn.
Can you recommend anyone in London who offers classroom training. I work for an I Bank so I should be able to get budget for a couple of days from my boss
Posted by: Angus Davidson | December 15, 2016 at 09:54
Mango Solutions offers classes in London: http://www.mango-solutions.com/wp/products-services/r-services/r-training/
Posted by: David Smith | December 15, 2016 at 10:45
Jumping rivers (jumpingrivers.com) also run R courses in London (and throughout the UK).
Posted by: Colin Gillespie | December 28, 2016 at 12:57
There's a very importance difference between R and other programming languages. Vectorisation. Full fledged programming languages like C, C++, Java are most suited to problems where you are interested in doing an operation to a number, string etc.
Posted by: alisonbenhar | January 06, 2017 at 02:10
Data Science is a rapidly growing field right now and many people are planning to choose Data Science as a career to become a Data Scientist. Languages such as R are a great way to get started and this tutorial will be very helpful to do so.
Posted by: Proquotient | January 09, 2017 at 22:36