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December 13, 2016


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Thanks for this recommendation. I'm new to R and trying to learn.

Can you recommend anyone in London who offers classroom training. I work for an I Bank so I should be able to get budget for a couple of days from my boss

Mango Solutions offers classes in London: http://www.mango-solutions.com/wp/products-services/r-services/r-training/

Jumping rivers (jumpingrivers.com) also run R courses in London (and throughout the UK).

There's a very importance difference between R and other programming languages. Vectorisation. Full fledged programming languages like C, C++, Java are most suited to problems where you are interested in doing an operation to a number, string etc.

Data Science is a rapidly growing field right now and many people are planning to choose Data Science as a career to become a Data Scientist. Languages such as R are a great way to get started and this tutorial will be very helpful to do so.

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