I was unaware of the work of Jenn Schiffer until recently. At the risk of giving away the joke, she writes satire for coders. Some of her best pieces include:
- A Call For Web Developers To Deprecate Their CSS
- Responsive Web Considered Harmful
- How JavaScript is Going to Replace Node.js
- and my personal favourite, The Hassle of Haskell
Like any good satire it can be hard to spot, but if you had any doubt check out the byline at the end of each post. Don't miss the comments, either.
The story behind these posts is the subject of a interesting talk delivered by Jenn Schiffer late last year. It's well worth watching, not least as an insight into the experience of women in the tech industry. And also because it's very, very funny.
That's all from the blog for this week. We'll be back on Monday. In the meantime, have a great weekend!
AWESOME STUFF on this blog!
Posted by: Whitepaper Listing | January 24, 2017 at 02:24