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January 27, 2017


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Howdy! A week or two ago I made a Shiny app for exploring R packages listed in CRAN's Task Views (with source at GitHub) and that can be useful if you have licensing restrictions for your project.

findFn (sos package)
Do a search for functions, which opens an interactive HTML page of results. The results may be sorted in a variety of ways and also link to help files for each function.


I am a beginner R user. Since I've started to learn, I wonder who is it proved whether these packages work right? Who is checking for functions, particularly complicated ones whether they are written right? What is the best way of understanding a package is good or bad? One answer to my last question would be reading blogs, however, many people who doesn't know statistics use R just by imitating what others have done. So they are not able to see the bugs or mistakes but able to sustain the ones before....

@Bahar, this blog post on Good R Packages provides some advice.

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