The Microsoft R Server Tiger Team assists customers around the world to implement large-scale analyytic solutions. Along the way, they discover useful tips and best practices, and share them on the Tiger Team blog. Here are a few recent tips from the Tiger Team on using Microsoft R Server:
- Gather metadata and exlore numeric summaries of large data sets held in XDF files
- Filter XDF files with regular expression matching using the rxDataStep function in the RevoScaleR package
- Import DBase .dbf files into Microsoft R Server as an XDF file
- Optimize performance when using rxExec to parallelize R code across a server or cluster
- Perform various data wrangling tasks on XDF files, including aggregations, merges, and calculating column-level statistics
- Confine Microsoft R Server computations to a subset of a Hadoop cluster using node labels
- Quantify risk associated with loans, via in-database model scoring with SQL Server R Services
For more tips, including tips on operationalizing R scripts and using Microsoft R Server with data platforms including Teradata and Cloudera, check out thre Tiger Team blog at the link below.
Is it possible to get working installation instructions from the Tiger Team for RServices?
Posted by: Billy | February 06, 2017 at 16:21
@Billy, you can find installation instructions for R Services here.
Posted by: David Smith | February 08, 2017 at 08:58