In case you missed them, here are some articles from March of particular interest to R users.
A tutorial and comparison of the SparkR, sparklyr, rsparkling, and RevoScaleR packages for using R with Spark.
An analysis of Scrabble games between AI players.
The doAzureParallel package, a backend to "foreach" for parallel computations on Azure-based clusters.
The UK government project to automate reporting of official statistics with R.
Data science languages R and Python rank highly in the latest Redmonk popularity rankings.
FiveThirtyEight used R to find clusters of similar subreddits.
RTVS 1.0, which provides R support to Visual Studio, is now available.
The mrsdeploy package (part of Microsoft R Server) facilitates publishing an R function as a web service on Azure.
The Call for Papers for the EARL conferences in London and San Francisco closes on April 14.
Alteryx Designer has been integrated with Microsoft R.
StitchFix, the personal styling service, uses R and Python as part of their data science process.
A review of "Testing R Code", by Richie Cotton.
On the connection between AUC and the Mann-Whitney U-Statistic.
An overview of neural networks and R packages to train them.
Performance benchmarks of rxNeuralNetwork (in the MicrosoftML package).
Updates to the Data Science Virtual Machine for Linux.
A timelapse of the founding of cities since 3500BC.
A set of R scripts and sample data to predict employee attrition.
R 3.3.3 is now available.
The htmlwidgets gallery catalogs interactive web-based charts for R.
R-based analyses to predict the length of a hospital stay.
Scholarships to encourage diversity at useR!2017.
And some general interest stories (not necessarily related to R): simulating the galaxy; a poor showing at Crufts; why some memes survive better than others; a digital clock made in Life; and a tongue-in-cheek guide to reading sheet music.
As always, thanks for the comments and please send any suggestions to me at [email protected]. Don't forget you can follow the blog using an RSS reader, via email using blogtrottr, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). You can find roundups of previous months here.