In case you missed them, here are some articles from June of particular interest to R users.
R 3.4.1 "Single Candle" has been released.
The Scientific Computing Coordinator at the FDA explains how R is used at the FDA and by sponsors for clinical trial submissions.
Several useful tips related to including images in Rmarkdown documents.
A review of one of R's best features — its community.
It's now possible to include interactive R visualizations in Power BI reports (like graphics created with plotly or htmlwidgets).
The Azure Data Science Virtual Machine for Windows now supports GPU-based computations with Microsoft R, Tensorflow, and other included software.
The 2017 Burtch Works survey of data science software popularity shows R leading, Python gaining, and SAS declining.
A video presentation by Ali Zaidi on using the sparklyr package with Microsoft R Server.
The EARL conference in San Francisco featured applications of R at Pandora, Pfizer, Amgen, Hitachi, and many other companies.
A demo of real-time predictions from a model created with Microsoft R, at a rate of one million predictions per second.
The R Epidemics Consortium is a coalition of researchers developing epidemiology resources for R.
Syberia is an open-source framework for orchestrating R scripts in production.
A from-the-basics guide to accessing open APIs from R, from Locke Data.
Highlights of talks from useR!2017 (recordings will be available in late July).
The doAzureParallel package provides a backend to "foreach" that spins up a parallel-processing cluster on Azure incorporating low-cost low-priority VMs.
A tutorial on creating dot-density maps in R, an alternative to choropleths.
A free 13-page e-book on using Power BI with R.
Python edges out R for the first time in the 2017 KDnuggets poll of data science software usage.
The miner package encourages kids to learn to program in R while manipulating the world of Minecraft with R functions.
And some general interest stories (not necessarily related to R):
- A NOAA visualization of 15 years of earthquakes around the globe
- The first Mario World level, created in augmented reality
- The "official" ANSI specifications for a dry martini
- A comparison of urban metro systems, as mapped and to scale
- A disappearing dots illusion
As always, thanks for the comments and please send any suggestions to me at [email protected]. Don't forget you can follow the blog using an RSS reader, via email using blogtrottr, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). You can find roundups of previous months here.