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July 25, 2017


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I've been playing around with R in SQL 2017 RC1 and I've got a couple of questions:

1) SQL 2017 RC1 ships with Microsoft R Server 9.2. I can't find any release notes for changes in 9.2. Any additional information about what makes it different from 9.1? And any insight into when MRS will update to R 3.4?

2) I'm interested in learning more about the new R package management features in SQL 2017, specifically "CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY" (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/create-external-library-transact-sql) but I've run into a few issues with it.

3) The real-time scoring in-database scoring is interesting and I'm looking forward to testing that more soon!


Great Thanks for sharing this news

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