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August 10, 2017


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Sounds interesting!

My scenario: datasets of 100+ gb on a 24 gb win machine. I usually use SAS for my analytics which can process terabytes of data with no problem. Can I switch to R with your packages? What workflow/environment/procedures would that change imply?

Thank you


dplyrXdf is not available in open source R and to use it requires Microsoft's flavor of R, called Microsoft R Server (or MRS for short). It was previously known as Revolution R (thus the blog name) before Microsoft bought the company.

MRS works with any data set that fits on disk rather than being ram limited like open source R and it does this using a proprietary data format called xdf (xdf = "external data frames") which is what dplyrXdf is design to operate on.

If you wish to try MRS download a developer version of SQL Server 2016 and play around.

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