Registration will open on Monday (January 22) for useR! 2018, the official R user conference to be held in Brisbane, Australia July 10-13. If you haven't been to a useR! conference before, it's a fantastic opportunity to meet and mingle with other R users from around the world, see talks on R packages and applications, and attend tutorials for deep dives on R-related topics. This year's conference will also feature keynotes from Jenny Bryan, Steph De Silva, Heike Hofmann, Thomas Lin Pedersen, Roger Peng and Bill Venables. It's my favourite conference of the year, and I'm particularly looking forward to this one.
This video from last year's conference in Brussels (a sell-out with over 1,1000 attendees) will give you a sense of what a useR! conference is like:
The useR! conference brought to you by the R Foundation and is 100% community-led. That includes the content: the vast majority of talks come directly from R users. If you've written an R package, performed an interesting analysis with R, or simply have something to share of interest to the R community, consider proposing a talk by submitting an abstract. (Abstract submissions are open now.) Most talks are 20 minutes, but you can also propose a 5-minute lightning talk or a poster. If you're not sure what kind of talk you might want to give, check out the program from useR!2017 for inspiration. R-Ladies, which promotes gender diversity in the R community, can also provide guidance on abstracts. Note that all proposals must comply with the conference code of conduct.
Early-bird registrations close on March 15, and while general registration will be open until June my advice is to get in early, as this year's conference is likely to sell out once again. If you want to propose a talk, submissions are due by March 2 (but early submissions have a better chance of being accepted). Follow @user!2018_conf on Twitter for updates about the conference, and click the links below to register or submit an abstract. I look forward to seeing you in Brisbane!
Update Jan 19: Registrations will now open January 22
useR! 2018: Registration; Abstract submission