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June 20, 2018


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I dislike these search based metrics for popularity. When I use python, I end up doing a lot more searches, because its a much more fragmented environment . . what version of python, what OS, . . . matplotlib, sns . . . I typically have to try a few tries to get something to work. In contrast with R, you can get a base R solution from a newsgroup that is 10 years old and it works. I think blindly looking at total searches or posts on stackoverflow is not the best metric for measuring the popularity of a language.

^ I second that opinion. R just works. With py.x*, you'll have to make it work.

Interested in the academic perspective on systems for (visual) data analysis? Check out the 2018 #CommercialVASystems state-of-the-art report at http://commercialtools.dbvis.de. @HarvardVCG @dbvis

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