The keynote presentations from last week's useR!2019 conference in Toulouse are now available for everyone to view on YouTube. (The regular talks were also recorded and video should follow soon, and slides for most talks are available for download now at the conference website.) Here are links to the videos, indexed to the start of each presentation:
- Shiny's Holy Grail: Interactivity with reproducibility. Joe Cheng, Chief Technology Officer at RStudio
- "AI for Good" in the R and Python ecosystems. Julien Cornebise, Director of Research at Element AI
- Tools for Model-Based Clustering in R. Bettina Grün, Professor at Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
- A missing value tour in R. Julie Josse, Professor at École Polytechnique
- How Bioconductor advances science while contributing to the R language and community. Martin Morgan, Professor at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and Bioconductor
- R for better science in less time. Julia Stewart Lowndes, Mozilla Fellow and Marine Data Scientist at NCEAS
All of the presentations are excellent, but if I had to choose one to watch first, it would be Julia Stewart Lowndes' presentation, which is an inspiring example of how R has enabled marine researchers to collaborate and learn from data (like a transponder-equipped squid!).
The videos have been made available thanks to sponsorship by the R Consortium. If you're not familiar with the R Consortium, you can learn more in the short presentation below from Joe Rickert:
The R Consortium is funded by its member organizations, so if you'd like to see more of the above, consider asking your company to become a member.
YouTube (R Consortium): 2019 Keynotes