The following image by Mathieu Rajerison has been doing the rounds of French media recently. It shows the streets of Paris, color-coded by their compass direction. It's been featured in an article in Telerama magazine, and even on French TV Channel LCI (skip ahead to 8:20 in the linked video. which also features an interview with Mathieu).
Mathieu used the R language and OpenStreetMap data to construct the image, which colorizes each street according to the compass direction it points. Orthogonal streets are colored the same, so regular grids appear as swathes of uniform color. A planned city like Chicago, would appear as a largely monochrome grid, but Paris exhibits much more variation. (You can see many other cities in this article.) As this article in the French edition of Slate explains, the very history of Paris itself is encapsulated in the colored segments. You can easily spot Napoleon's planned boulevards as they cut through the older medieval neighborhoods, and agglomerated villages like Montmartre appear as rainbow-hued nuggets.
Mathieu explains the process of creating the chart in a blog post written in English. He used the rgdal package to import the OpenStreetMap shapefile and the spatstat package to extract the orientations of the streets. Then, the entire map was interpolated to a grid with the raster package before finally being exported to a TIFF file and rendered within QGIS. The entire chart is created with just 31 lines of R code, which you can find at the link below.
Data and GIS tips: Streets of Paris Colored by Orientation